Elizabeth Warren declares open season on Facebook's false ad policy
Old media allows political ads to be run is how Facebook justify the same happening online. I've mentioned it before, political ads reach as far as you can afford so it would be better to stop them completely.
My thought bubble: As political ads inevitably keep testing Facebook's boundaries, the company's best solution may be to stop taking them altogether (as some transit agencies have, for example) — trading a modest revenue loss for the opportunity not to be blamed for swinging a second election in a row.
Posted 14th Oct 2019 @ 18:22
Samsung Galaxy Fold teardown - Did they fix it?
iFixit took the liberty of tearing down the Samsung Galaxy Fold which has a foldable OLED.
Posted 8th Oct 2019 @ 22:36
A great advert that only highlights the good the NHS does for the people of the UK and yet there are those that want to tear it apart. I hope the funding is there and everyone that needs help can get it.
Posted 7th Oct 2019 @ 21:31
Craftmotif, a pen inspired by vintage aircraft design
Sadly, this Kickstarter campaign was cancelled a few days ago, despite smashing it's funding goal. The pens really are stunning and they are planning to relaunch the campaign in the near future.
Price: CA$67
Posted 7th Oct 2019 @ 15:42