
'Queen & Slim' trailer


A a second trailer for was posted up last week, the film just looks awesome.

Posted 1st Jul 2019 @ 17:09

Which EU country has the largest number of citizens living abroad?

It's not hard to find examples of the insanity of actually pursuing Brexit, but here's another. The UK has more residents living outside of the country compared to every other EU member.

Another tweet that got me was some stats showing the percentage of people who can read and write in a 'foreign' language. A pitiful 32% for the UK, but depending on who was polled, I wonder how many of that 32% were UK born but might consider english as their second language but still contributing to that number.

Posted 1st Jul 2019 @ 14:40

Every Tesla Model 3 should have this bolt-on body kit

Only last week did I say that Tesla could do with a tuning arm, then I see this on Top Gear's twitter feed.

Posted 1st Jul 2019 @ 12:37

Electric cars: New vehicles to emit noise to aid safety

As silly as this sounds sometimes, as an EV driver (of sorts), at low speeds it's very annoying that pedestrians won't move out of the way because they don't know you're there. The safety angle is of course far more important though.

Posted 1st Jul 2019 @ 10:48

How this border transformed a subcontinent

Here in the UK, the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 have covered India's independence fairly well over the past 10 years and I know more about it than I ever thought I would, but there's so much to the story.

I had no idea about this 'second' site of importance to Sikhs. I visited the Golden Temple 10 years ago, although if I had known, there's little chance I would have had to make that journey to see it.

Posted 29th Jun 2019 @ 13:40

'Eating Animals' trailer

I came across this on an episode of the BBC's film review podcast. Sounds like really interesting viewing. I'm a big meat lover, but have a greater appreciation behind the sentiment of going vegan.

Posted 29th Jun 2019 @ 11:00

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