
Alternate ending for the Game of Thrones finale

If you haven't seen the finale yet, then beware as this video contains spoilers.

Posted 21st May 2019 @ 09:00

14 hidden Apple TV features everyone should use

I didn't figure out you could use the Apple TV remote to control the TV's volume until almost a year after we first got one. It's a great feature, but with kids, it's just a shame the remote feels too fragile to use when they're around.

Quite a few of the features I need to try out myself, but I think the biggest barrier to discovering them naturally has been the remotes we use. We have an all-in-one remote and I use the iPhone app from time to time which, despite 3D touch, doesn't match the physical remote feature for feature.

Posted 20th May 2019 @ 20:00

Remain Voter

Interesting website that encourages tactical voting to ensure the best way to keep pro-Brexit parties out of Europe.

No matter how you voted in the referendum 3 years ago, at no point has someone like Nigel Farage been the right choice to be the spokesperson for the UK.

Posted 20th May 2019 @ 15:15

Google uses Gmail to track a history of things you buy — and it's hard to delete

This is quite an odd thing for Google to do if they are not monetizing this information.

Two more things that are odd:

  1. My purchase history only goes as far back as late 2014 (article cites 2012)
  2. This only seems to work for Gmail accounts, not G Suite (business email hosted by Gmail)

Perhaps the last one makes sense and could be part of their ToS but sounds like a feature a business use could make really good use of, despite how shady it seems.

Posted 20th May 2019 @ 08:45

Arrested Westeros

Arrested Westeros brings Game of Thrones screen caps together with Arrested Development captions. I came across the blog long before I had even seen Game Of Thrones and found it funny then, but with a bit more context it's even funner.

As it's updated after each show and with the finale tonight, beware of spoilers!

Posted 19th May 2019 @ 23:00

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