
New logo for Lega Serie A

The current badge for the Italian national team is really good, much better than from when they won the World Cup 13 years ago. The top Italian league however, has never had the best identity but this evolution is a very small step in the right direction.

The English Premier League has a very strong brand and compared the the rest of the top 5 leagues in Europe it's miles ahead.

If this identity was going to change, they could have done so much more than just having a giant A. It does looks better as part of a badge than on it's own:

I wonder if the champions will continue to wear a variation of the national flag on their kits, something to look out for when the 2019-20 season kicks off in the summer.

Posted 14th May 2019 @ 16:40

Apple announces support for NFC tags that trigger Apple Pay

Having had to pay over the phone or via an app/website for parking this past couple of months, something like this can't come soon enough.

Posted 14th May 2019 @ 13:40

Africa is about to create the world's largest free trade area

As the UK sabotages itself by trying to remove itself from the European Union, Africa and trying to create the biggest union in the world.

Posted 13th May 2019 @ 15:00

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