
New logo and identify for Nike by You

Nike iD has always been a fun part of the Nike brand and now it goes by a new name. It's not well over 10 years since I bought my one and only pair of Nike iDs and they not only fitted great, but lasted for ages.

Posted 22nd Apr 2019 @ 20:51

The failure of the great tip-free restaurant experiment

Imagine not being paid enough to do your job. The service industry in the US is stacked in favour of the business running the service and it's employees rely on their patrons to make up the rest. 20% is an unbelievable amount in my opinion but what's worst is that these experiments to do away with tips are failing. Employees should be paid appropriately by their employers and there should be nothing else to say on the matter.

Posted 21st Apr 2019 @ 11:00

A car wrap for the indecisive millionaire ?

There's no way this is real. Right? I looked at who was tagged in the photo to find out more and first up was @ceramicpro who have a video where they are 'testing' their digitalized protection film - available 2023.

The second tag was for @bad.not.bad who shared the same video. Real or not, it's a very interesting idea.

Posted 20th Apr 2019 @ 21:00

Why EU regions are redrawing their borders

Really informative and interactive piece by The Pudding on how countries are redefining regions in order to secure more funding.

They've done a great job of visualising how developed Europe is by country and regions.

Posted 20th Apr 2019 @ 18:00

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