Band of Brothers trailer
First aired 18 years ago, HBO released a trailer for the show on YouTube. Along with Saving Private Ryan, they provide a fantastic look at war would have been like.
Posted 9th Jan 2019 @ 15:00
Posted 9th Jan 2019 @ 09:00
ITV debuts first of it's 52 new idents
The 'old' ITV idents were really effective, with the colour scheme reflecting the video content behind it. It was versatile and well executed.
These new ones will be interesting with a new one each week but having watched ITV, I can't say I've noticed these idents yet... I have noticed their new menu style though which reminded me of Channel 4's idents that debuted more than 3 years ago:

Here's the new ITV menu for comparison. Maybe not siblings, but it feels like they're from the same family.
Posted 8th Jan 2019 @ 11:21