
Apple in 2020: The Six Colors report card

I've commented on the apparent lack of interest in the iPhone 12 Mini a few times since it launched but this point from Rene Ritchie is one we actually wrestled with before opting for a Mini and I had completely forgotten about it!

Rene Ritchie said, “Splitting low cost from small size with separate iPhone SE and iPhone 12 mini models is going to take a while to process, and 5G seems to be as much dead weight as accelerant right now, but overall the 12 series is a solid, steady update.”

Back when my wife's phone first had issues in the middle of the year, we held of buying until September and made do until then. Of course the phones were not available until later and the Mini itself even later still. The question was always do we go for the current iPhone SE (released early 2020, same spec as the iPhone 11 range internally but single camera and Touch ID), or an iPhone 12 model?

The price difference is huge, I mean the SE is almost half the price after all. We went with the iPhone 12 Mini so that we had the latest camera hardware, the phone should last a number of years (at least one more than the SE we would hope). But because the price saving was so significant it wasn't a straightforward choice at all. Combining the sales figures for the iPhone 12 Mini and the 2nd-gen iPhone SE could be a better indicator of the 'small phone' format's success.

Posted 1st Feb 2021 @ 13:40

Trust in science helps New Zealand avoid COVID-19 lockdown again

The evidence is clear, control the virus and you can get back to normal. Try to put it on an equal footing with the economy and you're doomed to a spiralling death count and repeat lockdowns.

This has been obvious from the beginning. Late to lockdown, still not enforcing the wearing of masks, forever changing tiers.

While I have confidence in the vaccine rollout, there's every chance the virus mutates enough to make it a temporary measure.

People need to grow up, care about others and we need this virus gone.

Well done, New Zealand ?

Posted 30th Jan 2021 @ 08:29

How effective were national responses to COVID-19?

Obviously, New Zealand are top but I'm surprised that the UK is as high as 66/94. The response has been catastrophic here and we're seeing death rates higher than most other nations. Even compared to the rest of Europe combined.

Posted 29th Jan 2021 @ 14:08

GM plans to end sales of gasoline powered cars by 2035

They also aim to be carbon-neutral by 2040.

By the numbers: GM said that tailpipe emissions account for 75% of its carbon footprint. The new pledge comes as the automaker has been speeding up rollout of new EVs, with a number of models hitting showrooms in the next several years.

The company plans to offer 30 all-electric models by the mid-2020s and says it's investing $27 billion over the next five years on electric and autonomous vehicle development.

Posted 29th Jan 2021 @ 11:53

So you wanna create an eco-friendly website

I'm fully on board with pretty much every point mentioned here. Web apps are required to be dynamic but can often be optimised with some of the techniques described. Making use of caching, minification, removing dependencies and regular audits are all very useful things to consider no matter the size of the project.

Posted 28th Jan 2021 @ 12:51

No Meetings, No Deadlines, No Full-Time Employees

I had no idea of the story behind Gumroad and how it had scaled up from, and then back down to, a single person. Not a structure that would fit many companies but it sounds like the perfect balance of staff: Work as much (or as little) as you need to and you're compensated accordingly.

Posted 25th Jan 2021 @ 11:29

Reports of Lackluster iPhone 12 Mini Sales Corroborated By Supply Chain Sources

I continue to be surprised by this news, I'm convinced Apple Stores being closed is the driver behind it all. If you're worried it might be too small, why risk it? If you were able to go to a store and try them side by side, I think it would have been an absolute hit. Other than battery life (still pretty good), there's no difference between the non-Pro models.

We have a iPhone 12 Mini in the house and it's just a wonderful size, reachable with a single hand in most cases. The camera is brilliant, it's snappy, it's just a great phone.

We spent a lot of time debating on which size phone to buy. It was replacing an iPhone 7, so we had that alongside an iPhone 8 Plus and an iPhone 5 to compare it to. We had a really good idea of it's size and we have no regrets.

Posted 22nd Jan 2021 @ 15:04

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