Seeing the Aurora Borealis in the UK

Week 342 was posted by Charanjit Chana on 2024-05-13.

We went to Iceland in 2012 and while we did see the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis), we didn't get a clear picture. Seeing it in person, at 1am on a cold February night was fun. The coach we were on was chasing weather updates so that we could get a clear sky. It was dark and I couldn't focus my camera properly:

Out of focus photo of the norther lights in Iceland. There is an out of focus lighthouse in the foreground

So it was a very nice surprise to see that the Aurora Borealis was lighting up the London sky this past weekend.

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Night Mode on the iPhone was taking 3s photos which massively enhanced what we were able to see with the naked eye but you could clearly see there was something in the sky.

While it does feel like a little bit of a cheat to see it this way, it's amazing that so many more people got to see themselves.

Tags: photography

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