CSS Recipes Project

Week 354 was posted by Charanjit Chana on 2024-08-08.

Last week I came up with a concept for a CSS conditional layout in my head, slept on it for a couple of days and then went and implemented it within 10 minutes. It was a recipe that would have previously been calculated either server-side as part of building the page structure or by running client-side JavaScript. CSS is really coming into it's own now and can handle some logical problems pretty well if you combine a few concepts and functions.

Which got me thinking about something to work on in the future; a CSS recipes site.

css.recipes is taken ($5,000 asking price!) so I'm thinking of a name for it but may just put it on a subdomain for now. I think it would be useful to provide solutions for some common layout problems that you can lift into your own code. I could build dynamic examples and would look to approach it with the minimum amount of HTML and CSS as possible. No JavaScript or pre-rendering neccassary.

Ok, I've talked myself into making this happen! Watch this space!

Tags: css, project

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